This Is Angie
This Is Angie
There is nothing wrong in my world.

We had this beautiful little puppy in our lives for just two days. After a 10-hour drive to Virginia and a sleepover in Fredericksburg, we picked her up and headed home. A day and a half later, this very sick puppy ended us up in the Vet Urgent Care where we had to say goodbye. I wasn't going to talk about Angie because it was so shocking, but every time I sat down to write, I couldn't think of anything else. So I thought I would share what I learned.
Of course I asked, why do things like this happen? What could I have done differently? What was the reason? Why do I feel like there needs to be a reason? And although I knew there were no answers, I had a firm belief that "this shouldn't be". Then it dawned on me. Of course it should be...because it was.
A quote by Jed McKenna reasonated with me. He said, "Nothing is wrong in my world." I loved that. How could there ever be anything wrong with the way things are? Even though losing Angie felt terribly wrong, I realized that there is nothing wrong with any feeling....even the feeling that "this is all SO wrong". I learned that there is freedom in that place where I truly welcome anything that happens, even awful events or devastating feelings.
Does anything feel wrong in your world? I would love to talk and have you join me in the exploration of these ideas and more.